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How to Start an Official Coding Club in your School
How to Start an Official Coding Club in your School:
- Find at least 5 club members that love code or love learning about new things and want to learn how to use code to build things.
- Have a meeting with the the members and vote in your Club Leaders:
- Club President – The president helps push the vision and represents the club.
- Club Secretary – The secretary help coordinate and organize events as well is responsible for reporting on events and progress to Code4Change.
- Club Treasurer – The Treasurer is responsible for any resources, equipment or cash generated in any of the projects.
- Fill out the Club Application & Sign the Club Founders Memorandum.
Get Code JIKA to come to your School
Code JIKA has a super exciting, hands-on program that stretches over 3 months and allows the whole school to understand what coding is and how to build websites and other cool things with code.
If you want us to come to your school you have to motivate us and show us that your school is enthusiastic and eager to learn.
This is fun. But you’re going to have to work hard to impress us:
How do you show us? It’s super cool. We show you how to make a facebook Event and invite all your friends and their friends to join it.
Here’s what you get based on number of people you convince to learn about code by marking themselves as “Going” to the event:
If you get:
- NoName – 20 people = We’ll get in touch.
- Bronze – 50 people = We’ll send you an email and add you to our list.
- Silver – 100 people – We’ll give you a call of congratulation and enter you into a prize draw for a coding tablet.
- Gold – 200 fellow school students to attend your Facebook Event inviting Code JIKA we will Short-list your school, send you a small package and a leadership/Mover/Shaker Certificate.
- Platinum – 250+ – If you get over 250 fellow students to attend your Event on Facebook, we’ll send you a super cool coding package including Banners, posters, flash-disk with tons of learning material, a T-shirt and a #CodeJIKA Cap.